The U.S.-backed South Vietnamese side had vastly superior equipment and weapons, but found themselves utterly stymied by the NVA and Viet Cong, who refused to quit fighting even after countless devastating firebombing and deforestation campaigns. When it comes to game design, the asymmetry in forces may be the biggest hurdle developers face. While researching this list of the best Vietnam War games, I was surprised to learn that the vast majority of games set during the war have been first-person shooters. What began as a regional shift in power dynamics after the departure of the occupying Japanese troops metastasized into a long and bloody hot war between the planet’s superpowers, and a cultural and political referendum in the United States. There’s no pithy way to sum up the Vietnam War without cheapening events or glossing over crucial details of one of the most complicated conflicts of the modern era. “For them it has never ended.Vietnam War games can be excellent, but deal with appalling subject matter. “Its generals are still fighting the war,” Professor Cumings said. Meanwhile, North Korea became “the world’s most amazing garrison state with the fourth largest army in the world.” Professor Cumings said many of its citizens now know little about the conflict and have “a fatalistic orientation” toward the economically isolated North. In the decades after the war, South Korea transformed into an economic powerhouse. “It was a real turning point for America’s global role.”

Other countries that host American troops include Qatar, Japan, Italy and Germany. “It was from the Korean War onward that we had a permanent, global American military presence that we had never had before,” Professor Armstrong said.

At one time hundreds of American nuclear weapons were based there. Since 1953 there has been an uneasy coexistence between North and South Korea, which hosts over 20,000 American troops. Neither North nor South Korea had achieved its goal: the destruction of the opposing regime and reunification of the divided peninsula. “There is still a technical state of war between the combatants,” Professor Cumings said. But South Korea did not agree to the armistice, and no formal peace treaty was ever signed. The fighting stopped when North Korea, China and the United States reached an armistice in 1953.