There's people who say this petition won't help which in all likelihood it won't, but shit would I love to prove them wrong. I'm loving how much support this petition has been getting and I hope it continues. I'd hate to see a perfect game like this go to waste, keep it up guys. The amount of signatures has doubled from yesterday, and I hope it continues at this rate, continue to share the sh*t out of this post!! Every little bit helps. I've made some of my best friends through this game and I'd hate to see this die, let's keep these votes coming guys! Thank you all for supporting this, I appreciate it more than you think. I'm honestly overwhelmed with the support this is getting!!! 120 signatures in one day?!? I never expected this turnout. We just want simple things fixed (AA-12 Nerf, Server Fix, and many more) There are plenty of players who want this game to stay alive!!! Help us do so! Even if this means the game is going to be sold to another company so be it.